Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (4. something you can't deny)

 Recently, I just ended a complicated relationship with someone I'd been intimately associating with for about seven months.  In those seven months, I learned a lot about three things: them, myself, and the complications of relationships.  This "situationship" which we call it because we never dated but nearly acted as though we were together had to come to an end three weeks ago.  I cannot deny that I'm still hurt. Who that cares wouldn't?  Late nights to early mornings and again on the phone, religious and spiritual conversations, personal conversations, vulnerability, professions of love, small sacrifices, and more. There were seven months of loving someone or learning to love them.  Since they've been gone, they've moved on. I'm giving them their space because I can see that there's growth that needs to be done between the both of us and maybe we cannot properly do that together.  Unfortunately, they've found someone to occupy their time while the universe saw it fit for me to heal and grow alone.  I can't deny that I miss them. I wish them success and happiness, and I still love them.  It just hurts have to love them from a distance. 


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