
May 5th- Reflection

 It’s FRIDAYYY. No more testing for me. I can’t believe we have two more weeks left of school.. Then I’ll be a senior. Not only that, but I’ll be say bye bye to my senior friends.  I’m going to miss them so much.  I just can’t believe that I’m where I’m at… Anyways, today was a smooth day for me.  In first period, I decided that I was going to help some art students paint the giant mural at the front of our school. It was nice and peaceful. It showed me that painting might be something that I actually enjoy. The rest of the day was pretty chill. I got to joke around with my friends while we had cree time since we finished our AP tests. I decided to use that time to try and knock out some old assignments in my feeble attempt to do whatever I can to bring my grade up. AP stats is the only class I’m not doing well in but I’m confident that I’ll get myself together. One day I’ll learn to lock in and not wait until the very end of the year to have a decent grade in that class.

May 4th - Reflection

 I had my AP Stats test today and lord have mercy.  That test was like three hours. Is that not insane??  We started at noon and didn’t get out until 3:45! School ends at 3:10 and I had practice at 3:30. I was stuck testing for three hours. And I don’t understand stats at all so I was fluffing my way through the entire test.  The multiple choice was one thing because I didn’t have to explain my answers but the constructed response was a whole other thing.  In the constructed response, obviously, we have to explain how we got our answers. My teacher told me that no matter what, never leave my answers blank.  You wouldn’t believe how I would answer a question I had no idea how to solve.  There would be a question that was ask me to solve something and show my work. My answer would be along the lines of “this can be solved by doing these steps” or “the solution to this is shown in the passage/table above”. I mean I had NO CLUE. Then, I couldn’t even finish my last question because there w

May 3rd- Reflection

 I actually put on a nice outfit today. I got a lot of unexpected compliments considering the fact that I was rushing and nearly missed my bus.  I’m not sure of exactly what happens between the times of 6:25 a.m to 7:23 a.m but that time seems to fly. It’s almost an hour and I still can’t seem to get done what I need to in that amount of time. I know I have poor time management but it’s getting ridiculous. There was no volleyball practice today because our coach decided that yesterday would be the end of tryouts. I still decided to stay after school because going home is boring.  I stayed until six p.m. When I got home, I took a nap, did work, cooked, and got ready for school. Testing is tomorrow and i’m kind of nervous.

May 2nd- Reflection

 It was a bum day today. It was also sort of boring. We’ve been testing for awhile. My AP test is on Thursday and I’m honestly nervous. I’m not nervous because it’s AP but because its Statistics. I haven’t understood a thing in that class.  Today is also the second day of tryouts.  Volleyball is pretty fun. It’s not that hard but I have things I need to work on in that area.  After I finished practice I met some friends by the football field because there was a game at our school. I don’t know the details or the purpose behind it but I do know that our boys played against each other. Nothing else worth mentioning happened later.

May 1st - Reflection

 Today, I came to school late because I just got home from Florida. I was in Florida because my grandpa passed away last week.  I cried a tiny bit at the funeral but I’m okay. I got to see my younger cousin who I haven’t seen in around five years.  Instead of flying, we drove. It was like a six hour drive and we didn’t get home until two in the morning. I didn’t wake until eight thirty and then got to school. Today was also the first day of volleyball tryouts so I’ll be going to that. 

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (10. secret being revealed)

 Brian had done something that he couldn't allow his girlfriend, Jasmine to find out.  The only ones who knew were his homeboys.  He had cheated..multiple times. Yes, he felt guilty but as long as he got away with it, he would continue to do it.  Little did he know that his girlfriend had a secret of her own.  She was going to break the news to him soon, she just didn't want to break his heart.  Jasmine had come to the realization that she was attracted to girls.  She found out because she was close to one of Brian's homeboy's sister.  They ended up falling for each other and the only ones that knew was Jasmine's bestfriend, mom, sister, and Brian's homeboy who is the brother of the girl she likes.  On their next get together, Brian and Jasmine broke the news to each other.  They were both hurt but they both had others to move on to and distract themselves with.  Brian's homeboy was no longer his homeboy though.

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (9. write a long apology)

 Dear Me,  I would like to apologise to myself for not loving me and giving myself enough grace.  I'm sorry for allowing people to treat me the way that they have.  I should've never let myself give in to people that didn't have my best interest in mind. I'm also sorry for abusing you mentally.  I didn't allow you to be who you were and instead I blamed you for everything that went wrong.  There are certain situations where I should have loved you enough to be able to protect you from them. Instead, I led you astray to situations and filled your heart with false hope which got you hurt.  I'm sorry for not allowing you to heal properly and let go.  I'm sorry for hurting you with permanent scars that you'll have to explain to the next person.  You didn't and don't much of the abuse that you went trough mentally and physically.  And I'm sorry for allowing you to go through that much pain and scarring. I promise to do better from now. To make bet