
Showing posts from April, 2023

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (10. secret being revealed)

 Brian had done something that he couldn't allow his girlfriend, Jasmine to find out.  The only ones who knew were his homeboys.  He had cheated..multiple times. Yes, he felt guilty but as long as he got away with it, he would continue to do it.  Little did he know that his girlfriend had a secret of her own.  She was going to break the news to him soon, she just didn't want to break his heart.  Jasmine had come to the realization that she was attracted to girls.  She found out because she was close to one of Brian's homeboy's sister.  They ended up falling for each other and the only ones that knew was Jasmine's bestfriend, mom, sister, and Brian's homeboy who is the brother of the girl she likes.  On their next get together, Brian and Jasmine broke the news to each other.  They were both hurt but they both had others to move on to and distract themselves with.  Brian's homeboy was no longer his homeboy though.

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (9. write a long apology)

 Dear Me,  I would like to apologise to myself for not loving me and giving myself enough grace.  I'm sorry for allowing people to treat me the way that they have.  I should've never let myself give in to people that didn't have my best interest in mind. I'm also sorry for abusing you mentally.  I didn't allow you to be who you were and instead I blamed you for everything that went wrong.  There are certain situations where I should have loved you enough to be able to protect you from them. Instead, I led you astray to situations and filled your heart with false hope which got you hurt.  I'm sorry for not allowing you to heal properly and let go.  I'm sorry for hurting you with permanent scars that you'll have to explain to the next person.  You didn't and don't much of the abuse that you went trough mentally and physically.  And I'm sorry for allowing you to go through that much pain and scarring. I promise to do better from now. To make bet

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (8. what you used to know how to do)

 When I was younger,  I did gymnastics.  Because of it, I was a pretty flexible kid and I was better at balancing.  I used to know how to do a middle split with ease.  I also used to know how to touch my head with my feet.  This skills can only be attempted now but It's not the same. The weird thing is, I do more sports now but I'm still not as flexible as I used to be. I guess that just means I have to stretch more. I also used to make food clay and wax sculptures out of play dough or wax from those blue bell cheese circles.  I can't remember anything else I used to be able to do when I was younger that I can do now.  If anything, I know how to do more things now.

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (7. something you don't exactly remember)

There's this thing I read once that basically said the brain blocks out traumatic events by causing you to forget in attempt to protect you from that pain.  I believe that's the reason I can barely remember the worst three plus years of my life from middle school up until my sophmore year.  All that I DO remember is that I was treated badly, walked all over, taken advantage of, and left alone multiple times.  I'm not sure if I ever deserved it. Maybe I did because I didn't know how to love myself and stick up for myself and I also didn't know how to interact with people.  From it, I went through mulitple stages of depression, messed up relationships I can't really remember the details of, gained some health issues, and etc.  I'm still recovering and learning but hte hardest part about it is that I can't reflect properly because I can't immediately remember the root of the issue or when exactly it started. I guess it go since I can't remember it a

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (6.when you knew you were in trouble)

 This has to be one of my most favorite topics to write about because they're always funny to me looking back.  When I was probably ten or no more than,  I had an imagination more active than now.  Back tracking to when I was five, I used to do gymnastics and I would remember trying to swing up on the bars.  So here I am, at ten years old thinking back to that time while simutaneously trying to mimic what I've seen other gymnasts do.  I was in my bathroom and I had this entertaining idea to pretend I was swinging on the bars by pulling my shower curtain back, stepping on the ledge of my tub, and holding the curtain rod.  I would sway back and forth, pretending that I was at a gymnastics competition doing tricks on the bars. I lost my balance and fell off the ledge with the curtain rod in hand.  Oh I knew I was in for one.  Instead of immediately telling my parents that I broke the shower rod..again.., I decided to gather all my loose change in my piggy bank, write an apology no

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (5. what you have too much of)

 Personally, I don't think I have "too much" of anything.  There's usually two extremes to everything which consists of too much and too less. In between those two extremes, there's a very large grey area of varying amounts.  I feel as though I fall in the grey area.  The consideration of too much is also subjective to the pov of myself and others.  Outside looking in, someone like my mom for example, might say I have too much hoodies. I've seen people with a lot more than I do just as she's seen people with less; including herself.  I can say I have too many skin care products but I know that there are always people with way more than me so I have to ask myself "do I really have too much?".

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (4. something you can't deny)

 Recently, I just ended a complicated relationship with someone I'd been intimately associating with for about seven months.  In those seven months, I learned a lot about three things: them, myself, and the complications of relationships.  This "situationship" which we call it because we never dated but nearly acted as though we were together had to come to an end three weeks ago.  I cannot deny that I'm still hurt. Who that cares wouldn't?  Late nights to early mornings and again on the phone, religious and spiritual conversations, personal conversations, vulnerability, professions of love, small sacrifices, and more. There were seven months of loving someone or learning to love them.  Since they've been gone, they've moved on. I'm giving them their space because I can see that there's growth that needs to be done between the both of us and maybe we cannot properly do that together.  Unfortunately, they've found someone to occupy their time wh

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (3. something being born)

 I would like to talk about the birth of music.  Music can be traced back to times before the introduction of religion; and religion is really old.  But not as old as music.  Music was born as a universal language and I'd like to think that it was the first language of the world, understood across borders and bodies of water.  If you want to get a certain feeling across, music is the best way to do it.  Since music has been born, it has never died.  Music has continued to evolve along with voices, spoken languages, and instruments. It has never ceased, and it never will. 

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed (2. obsess over something meaningless)

   To others, the color green may be insignificant but to me, it's one of the best colors that the human brain can perceive.  I love green and different shades of green.  Certain shades of green to be exact.  I love jade green, sage green, olive green, army green, matcha green, moss green, lime green, and emerald green. Maybe there's more but I'm not certain at the moment.  Green is a color of nature.  It can represent growth and new beginnings.   It's funny because I've been spiritually evolving and going through life changing situations ever since green became one of my favorite colors.  Even recently, my family has experienced two deaths. I myself had experienced the death of a six month plus situationship. I miss that person a lot and I hope we'll cross paths again for a longer amount of time.  Maybe someone or something new is coming since I keep seeing green.  The other day at the store, I noticed I kept buying green facial products too.  I don't know

Reflection Apr/24/23

 I got my hair done two days ago so I felt really pretty. I got a lot of compliments too.  I left in second period today because I had to get my braces tightened. Every time I go to get them tightened, I pick a new color. This time, I chose to get lime green on my top row and teal on my bottom row.  Not only is green one of my favorite colors, but I got it in dedication to my grandpa who passed away last week. His funeral is on Saturday and the colors are green and white.  I think part of the reason for that is because his last name was Green. But maybe he liked the color just as much as I did. Rest in peace, Grandpa Elijah.

Writing Prompts from Cheryl Strayed. (1. inappropriate for the occation) 4/21/23

 It'd had been the summer of 2014 and I was over at my grandma's.  As you get older, an unspoken expectation of you gets larger.  In this case, the expectation had been knowing how to carry myself at my grandmother's church without having to be corrected.  Back when I did go to church, I dressed formal but it wasn't strict because It was my mom's church.  The difference between my mom and my grandma's church was simply demographic, and my grandma's church was full of old or conservative Jamaicans.  I decided that one morning I would wear some shorts and a tank top after the service was over which my grandma didn't approve of.  I ended up having to go home; I wasn't complaining though. 

Reflection Apr/21/23

 NO MORE AM LIT TESTING!! Wow. I'm really nearing the end of my junior year.  I really can't believe that I'm at the point that I've always thought about.  We had to go to second period first and didn't do anything today because other classes are testing.  I'm glad we don't have anymore work because I can feel more motivated to focus on different things.  We didn't do much in math today either but just go over things for our upcoming test.  I genuinely think I'm going to fail that test which is why it's so important that I make sure to pass the class since it's the only one I'm failing.  The fact that it's already friday is crazy too because monday was just two days ago?!! Not literally, but thats what it felt like.  These last weeks are flying by. 

Reflection Apr/20/23

 It was part two of testing today.  This part of the test had more reading and multiple choice.  I barely had to type anything.  Honestly, I feel like I did pretty good on the test.  There were of course some tricky questions but I used process of elimination.  It was still a little tricky because there's always that one answer choice that's really close to the right one and it causes  you to overthink and waste time.  Besides that, I'd say I did pretty goood.  Mr.Rease said that these tests effect our lexile scores and in middle school, mine was in the 1500s which was pretty high at the time.  I'm not sure where I am now.. but I hope to get it up higher. 

Reflection Apr/19/23

  It's a wednesday and I had eoc testing for this class!!  I can't believe that it's already this time of year!  I only have one more year of high school now and Junior year is almost over.  That's so crazy to me.  We took part one of the test today which we had to read two opposing passages, answer multiple choice questions about the passage, and then write an essay according to the two passages.  Everyone was assigned a different essay format.  There was either informative or argumentative.  I got argumentative.  To be honest, I didn't even finnish my essay; I ran out of time!  I got down three really good paragraphs (5+ sentences) and then the last two were the hardest for me.  I think I only had like five sentences in the fourth paragraph and literally three in my conclusion.  The problem is that I didn't know how to come up with new points for each paragraph without souning repetative because I said everything I felt I could say in the previous paragraphs. 

Reflection 12/Apr/23

 I was kind of tired today but I’m proud of myself. I’m falling behind but I’ve been pushing myself a bit more than usual. I completed some work in first period from when I was absent. I finished my work in class which consisted of reading two passages then filling out a sheet based on the information from them. Third period was as usual. A struggle. I didn’t understand much today. Tomorrow I hope to have an even brighter attitude and a positive day.